
A very good gift service this morning even though the speaker couldn't come! Our minister stepped into the breach and gave much for thought on this first Sunday in Advent.  We watched a very eye opening clip of Bethlehem today. A city with walls and separation; just as it was when Jesus was born there over 2000 years ago.

Our focus and collection today was on The London City Mission, an organisation working among the homeless on the streets of London. All clean and warm men's clothing was on the 'please bring' list. And so we did.

The rest of the day has been good too. Very relaxed and unhurried. 

These little soldiers are on the mantelpiece at the moment. They were made by our DT colleague ( see her in my first extra today) for a stall at the Fair yesterday. All carefully hand made and hand painted. Way to relax in the evenings for several weeks I think!!

My second extra was all set to be my blip....then I spotted something....!! Doh!

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