
By tookie

It's a Girl!

Announcement was made the day before Thanksgiving that our Portland family is expecting a new baby girl!  The anouncement was made by having a cake and the color inside would tell us the sex.  As you can see..the center was pink. However dispite now knowing the sex of the baby, Zeke continues to call the new baby to be a "baby brudder"!  Cute....don't really think he understands and he'll love having a sister...he has suggested a name for a sister when we asked him...he said "Mikka"--how cute we all thought...then he added ..."Mikka,.....Mikka Mouse" :)
 Extras are of him pretend blowing a shell and him giving Pappy a big hug.  We had a couple hours alone with him before the baby announcement party by picking him up early from his day care---a real treat.

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