Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Dis-Ernie Land

Fresh off their flight from Australia, we drove up to Anaheim to meet Nikki's old friend Kristy, and her daughter Chelsea.  And being in Anaheim, we simply had to go to the home of Princess Elsa - Disney Land (or Dis-Ernie Land as the wee man refers to it).

As expected, the wee man passed out on the way home.  I carried him into his makeshift bed on the floor in our room and after spending 30-45 minutes snuggling up to him, I thought I'd done it.  I snuck out, high-fived Nikki and cracked open a beer.  Time to relax, I thought. 

Two minutes later, the wee man opened the bedroom door, proclaiming "But we haven't had any dinner!"

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