
By CharlotteJ

City Slicking!

Up and at it this morning!  We commuted to Melbourne to meet the bank.  We are all good to go expect the cards haven’t been ordered as expected so we / I will need to go back to collect them.

After the bank we took a little wonder down Flinders Street and to Hoister Lane (In an Instant often frequents this lane!).  We had a nice lunch at Federation Square and then drove an hour or so to meet a potential accountant.  He seems like a nice guy so we have decided to give him a go! 

We are now back ‘home’ and about to enjoy a nice cold glass of wine on the deck.  Its raining but also 25 degrees.  The smells and sounds of the Yarra is pure sensory delight!  I have changed my mind about the house….I am seeing the positives now and the owner has agreed to put blinds up at the windows for me!!!!!  Clearly last week’s emotions were down to jet lag!!

UK work will take place later tonight / early hours tomorrow am!

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