A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 97 :: mm97 :: Distorted

A variation on the same theme. Same props but this time going macro and a 10mm extension tube. 

The DISTORTION here is the reflection of the vase in the glass but with it’s shape elongated. Again I have gone with quite a shallow depth of field which is another option for those not inspired by the main theme.

Now I have a confession to make…

This time last year when I started overseeing Mono Monday I introduced the tag system to help hosts find the entries. Before that we use to list, with links, all the entries on our journal! It took ages to collate sometimes. The new system has worked well I believe.

So what did I do wrong???

When checking back over the previous year I listed all the themes and counted them up. It seems I wasn’t very good at counting! I started the tagging at mm47. It should have been mm48. :o(

I’m grateful to GoranZebuhr who spotted this when he converted my cut and paste list onto a spreadsheet document. This will be useful to future hosts.

This means next week’s Mono Monday will be mm99.

As a special pre-Christmas treat I will give you the theme for next week’s Mono Monday (14th Dec) today:

MOBILE with the tag mm99.

My hearts and stars for this week will be spread about on Wednesday.

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