My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

It must be hometime soon...

Beaker came to help me today at work but spent most of the time staring out of the window looking thoroughly fed up, well that's what 3 late shifts in a lab on your own will do to you. I'm just glad he didn't start mixing random chemicals together just to see what they'd do.

Got chance to watch bits and bobs of the Euro Champs final tonight, between samples of course, I'm a professional.
I actually managed to catch 2 Spanish goals then the next thing I heard was that Italy were down to 10 men, some idiot had obviously been sent off. Game over?
I didn't find out until after the game that Italy's 3rd substitute, Thiago Motta, had actually limped off injured. That was also when I found out it had finished 4-0.

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