
By bananablip

Fragile emotions

I love the higgledy piggledy rooftops and the way they fit together like a rather clumsy jigsaw puzzle.

Today I've been pondering why my moods are so massively affected by the winter. Today has been a glorious, warm, sunny and bright day and my mood has, thankfully, followed a similar pattern. We had a great team time, some snort-out-loud inappropriate messages with The Wives, a fun time of introducing two musical geniuses to each other and listening to them get excited about geeky musical things, ease in planning a lesson for tomorrow and then a delightful sunny journey to school.

As if the day couldn't get any better, SS and I then beat the boys at a very competitive game of Trivolle after the kids had gone. I can't tell you how good this makes me feel.

And then my marvellous workmates gave me permission to finish work early so that I could run in the glorious daylight (I'll catch up on work tonight, obvs). I'd forgotten how nice it is to run in conditions other than dark and freezing. 

I need to figure out how to deal with the inevitable onslought of winter and not be a grumpy bum for the entire season. Time to invest in some Vitamin D supplements, perhaps.

(Oh, and I went out and bought a new adapter so that I can now charge my camera batteries again. Joy! Here's to at least a week of not being lazy and using only my iphone).

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