Under my umbrella

Despite the heavy rain, we decided to get out for a walk through the forest.  A leaf dropped onto my umbrella and I thought it might make for an interesting shot, so G held the umbrella while I took the photo from inside it. Then I noticed that the trees trunks and branches looked quite cool, so zoomed out and took this shot. 
I included an extra of the leaf and I lightened the shadows to show the structure and colours of the leaf.  I converted the main shot to mono because it's more indicative of the dull dark day.  I liked the way the leaf looked like a creature flying through the trees.  
Checked email when I got home and found out that the weekly challenge is water.  This will do for a banker.  :)
Last night, a huge gust of wind rattling the windows woke me up and thunder and lightning along with the heavy rain kept me awake for quite awhile.  More predicted for tonight.  We're certainly making up for the lack of rain during the summer drought!

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