Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Envelop Me

I got a letter! From the boyfriend! :D Tehe

It wasn't anything TOO exciting inside (and besides, it was addressed to me, so BACK OFF! :P) I love how the tiniest things can make your day so much better.

I was missing him a lot here at school, and yeah, we talk almost every night, but it's still no walk in the park. And there is just something magical about getting a letter from someone that you love. It doesn't talk much thought or effort to talk on the phone with someone, but to express it all in words, every feeling, every thought, every word. It just means so much more.

I'm a sucker, I know. But I'm over it. I'm a hopeless romantic. But you know in your heart that you want a letter from your loved ones too. Just a little "hey-I-still-love-you" reminder.

"Express in writing what words cannot say aloud."

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