Our new Jewel Orchid

Our new Jewel Orchid.

It used to be the custom for a gentleman to send an Orchid to a lady whom he admired.

Times have changed. Mrs.K.and I were pleased to receive this lovely Jewel orchid from a charming lady in the village who is admired by both of us.

It is Ludisia discolor. It comes from India and Indonesia and makes a very attractive and fairly easy to grow houseplant. In fact it is mainly grown for its foliage and this can be seen in the extra.

To send it to you I still have to go down the garden to where I can get a 3G signal and use the phone as a personal hotspot. BT are coming tomorrow to fix the delayed high speed fibre. They had better succeed or I shall need Tranquilisers for the first time in my life.

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