With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

I had no idea!

I left it later for my walk today. I left the car at Biniaraitx and decided to follow the last of the sun. The barranc looked a little damp and shadowy and I was determined to retake some of the shots I lost from yesterday. I headed back down a little to Binibassi and then Fornalutx, passing the families emerging from Es Turo with their glowing faces and laughter. This is the bridge above the precipitous gorge. I never knew it was there! After all these years. Julie will no doubt know it well! I followed the track up and turned right from where I came down yesterday, knowing I would eventually get back to Biniaraitx, but there was a lot of up before the down again! Fabulous exploring the Cami de "I'm not sure but it is in the right direction" gave me dusk views of Soller and Fornalutx, shouts echoing up from the football stadium way below, people walking and driving back down the mountain after their holiday weekend in their olivars, grannies chatting, bats flipping and so many ripe olives desperate to be picked. I am aching a little, so now, hot bath revived I have ditched the dinner I was planning and am going for the egg and chips option by the fire. Have a great evening everyone. If you couldn't get out, I did it for you while I can xxx

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