Through the window!

With BBC breakfast !! I was looking at the drizzle this morning and snapped a pic , couldn't resist posting it when I saw the TV screen between the trees.
I went to the pool for my usual exercise , emm, ! Then I collected a friend and we went out to lunch, which almost turned out to be tea as well. As it was late I thought I'd drop off the chisie presents at my Sister in laws, it was on our way back, but the traffic was heavy and the drizzle was making things worse, and guess who missed her turning? No matter we can go this way I thought which was correct, hazard of traffic lights which seemed to be permanently on red!! , the traffic by this time was heavier still,.eventually arriving at said house I only had time to pop and drop, sad really but my friend had to get back as she had other engagements p.m. I'm now on a fast as I have to have a routine blood test tomorrow. So the little shopping I needed wasn't at all easy to complete! Say no more hey ------ let's hope we have a brighter day, weather wise , tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.

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