Painting the shed, buying CarbBoy's ENORMOUS present, farewelling Mr B (London, 24 hours), buying more presents, shed painting again, shopping, and relax.
My shoulder started hurting really badly on Sunday night, and I couldn't figure out what I'd done to it (pre-painting). I guess it was some sort of warning about what I was about to do. After two days of painting, it is now really genuinely sore.
And so, this evening, the kids were put to work decorating the tree. I did the lights, they did the rest. And it looks rather good, I have to say. Normally I have to be a bit involved as, firstly, ladder scaling is usually required (small tree this year) and, secondly, they are a bit rubbish at decorating trees. This year though they have mastered the art. Freeing me up to write Christmas cards, take the occasional snap, and stuff myself with mince pies.
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