Rainbow, Rainbow...

It's a rainy sunny day!

Story morning at school for P and then me and A went to do some Christmas shopping. It started off quite badly. Going into 3 shops and none of them having any of the things I wanted. I was getting miffed so we stopped for a pit stop in M&S for coffee and biscuits. It did the trick, as the next 3 shops we visited had exactly what I was after!

A was a little angel all the while we were in town. He quite often gets fed up within about half an hour when shopping. Today however he was a delight. Going in the pushchair when needed and then walking very nicely holding my hand the other times. He even chatted up an old lady in the coffee shop!

On the way to pick up P this afternoon we saw this beautiful rainbow. I couldn't help but sing the little Peppa Pig song ....

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