RUN - Shambles

There is a mirrored sculpture outside the Copper Box Arena at the Olympic Park consisting of the word “RUN” in giant letters.  In one of the most basic and fundamental photography errors I have made in years, I have managed to completely cut off the bottom of the “U”, lose the contrast to the right of the “N” by lining it up with the side of the building behind, and generally achieve a composition that makes no sense and does the subject no justice.

That actually fits with the rest of my day of shambles.  After a great day yesterday meeting lots of potential investors, today the event was much quieter and with fewer opportunities for networking.  I queued 40 minutes to get lunch.  I got lost at Stratford Station (in my defence the signage is terrible) My bag got so thoroughly searched at the airport I found things I didn't know I had in there (nothing dodgy).  My flight was delayed (only 20 minutes or so).
When I got on the plane I put my bag in the overhead locker right above my seat.  Then some guy got on and moved my bag out of the way so he could put his bag above his seat.  He was very prim and proper with a very expensive looking suit and bag – he was not happy when I asked if there was a reason he had moved my bag instead of just using the empty space himself…

Anyway, I have got home safe (if absolutely exhausted) and that’s the main thing…

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