Turner Prize

Yup - these guys won the Turner Prize last night and how fucking cool was that?  Not that they knew anything about it at the time - the whole concept of winning the UK's most prestigious art prize wasn't really on their agenda.  But they were a bit bemused as to why there were so many news crews and photographers around.  I had a long chat with them and they said how much they were enjoying working around here and how it would be a cool place to live - the community is strong, they said; the houses are strong, they said.  Why would anyone want to pull them down? they asked.

They were puzzled about how it is art.  So am I, I said, but it involves the community and it creates a debate and a discussion.  They agreed.  It's not just house building; it's creating relationships.  It's a good thing.  They agreed.  They got it.  As did the judges of the Turner Prize.  And how fucking cool is that?

/edit - I forgot - Alastair and Joss - mea culpa

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