Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Every year we make a Christmas card for our customers. Alfie was the star the first year, Nell last year so it was most definitely Charley's turn this year. It only took me 10 mins to grab this one. He is such an angel. He hopped onto the stool and let me wrap all this paraphernalia round him and didn't move again until I told him too.

Earlier, I decided to try and get some pics of Toby and Eva to make cards for family and friends. That wasn't so easy. They jumped about a lot more and gurned a lot more but I think I managed one okay one though the colours are awful cos I had to use a flash.  

Had a busy day Christmas shopping and getting primer and paint for our new cupboards. Mr EG out with his cycling buddies tonight so had a busy evening clearing up and then getting the first coat of primer on. Its going to be a big job but we have to get on with it as we currently have no storage so everything is piled up in the living room and dining room. We've promised the kids we will put up decorations next weekend but that can't happen till the house is straight. Aargh!

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