
Lots of activity in town: Preparing For the Storm. City workers sweeping up leaves and cleaning street gutters like mad, and a big to-do around the corner--lots of digging and major machinery blocking the road where the creek passes under the pavement, all in the name of keeping that water flowing when it finally gets here. "It's not if, but when," was the vaguely ominous, yet somehow cheerful, greeting from one of the sweepers. We've already stacked up the firewood on the porch, and yesterday swept our own leaves, not that you'd ever know it today--the ground is littered red and gold and brown all over again.

I'm still in stiff neck mode, and now have added a bass cough to the mix. (I do have a fab massage person, and I even have an appointment later in the week.) Right now I'm gonna go sit by the fire. Mr S has just baked a loaf of sourdough bread and the house smells delicious. Time for happy hour!

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