
Strawberries are to be enjoyed and savoured. They were :-)

Strawberries remind me of Mum. She loved them and we happily indulged her in strawberries and ice cream 2 years ago.

I seem to have an endless list of emails and things to be done online. Meanwhile there is a little neglected tabby upstairs. I shall go and rectify that.

In Benedict news, he came downstairs with me this morning and had his breakfast. He stayed a few minutes in the dining/lounge, looking through the servery at me. Then he scampered off upstairs.

When I got home he came downstairs to greet me. Interestingly when I popped upstairs and came down again, he was terrified. I realised until now it's always me downstairs and him coming down to me. This was the first time he saw me coming down the stairs towards him.

I guess I looked big and scary. He started to flee but stopped, then headed for the stairs and stopped again. He stayed and realised he was safe :-)

Small steps every day.

I got a call from my GP late yesterday. She'd referred me for a knee x-ray because I'd confessed drawn to her attention a large lump on the outer side of my right knee.

Being a doctor this piqued her interest. Admittedly it was a couple or so months ago, but I finally had the knee x-rayed last Friday. The next step is a referral to an orthopedic surgeon. It's nothing nasty, likely a meniscus cyst.

The x-ray also showed some osteoarthritis in my knee. That's news to me but the doc said if you xray anyone's knee over 30 years old, they'll have some osteo.

With all that in mind, I trotted off on a wee run tonight. I'm not ready for a zimmer frame yet ;-)

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