Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Just leave it to the kids

Last Tuesday:  a child at school wrote up "Can we have a scooter club?" on the School Council notice board.

Last Friday: we discussed it in school council and I said I'd look into the prices of ramps and find out if a teacher was interested in running it (I was!)

Last Friday later on: the Head said go for it, we'll do it as a Wheelie Wednesday at lunchtime (something one of our TAs had heard about)

This Monday: the ramps turn up


So many brought scooters in, it was excellent.  We do like a bit of risk-taking, although helmets were obligatory.  

I had a quick scoot about, forgot I was over 40 and went for a ramp take-off.  It went wrong.  The wheel hit the ramp lip, the footplate swung around and swiped my legs out of the way and I hit the floor in what can only have looked like a dead giraffe being thrown off a wall.  At least, that what I was told, as I was seeing stars and had no idea what happened.  Proper hurt my shin, there's a belting scrape and lump. 

I was so proud of the support I got though, the kids made sure the scooter was OK and the Head grabbed her phone so she could take a picture with my belly showing and everything!!!

Our School Rocks!!!!

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