Chicken tonight?

Right let me put this out there - if you're squeamish, love or own chickens (I know of one specific blipper) or is having chicken for dinner tonight please stop reading NOW

My job, although intense and pressurised, does get me into the strangest of places. 3 weeks ago I was in a factory in Hong Kong looking at a machine that produces silicon kitchenware, 7 days ago Chesterfield marvelling at an automatic tool that blows balloons up and prints on them whilst they deflate and today? A factory that rears, slaughters and the packs and supplies chickens to all the major retailers and restaurants up and down the country.

I won't go into the graphic details but put it this way - I saw it all and really do not want to eat tonight. Seriously although very interesting was also gruesome.

I'll gladly regale the sights in person

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