If you ask ...

Wednesday 10th Dec 2015 (1201)

Attended the Toddler Group Christmas party this morning. The young children were very good singing songs and waiting an extra 20 mins for Father Christmas. He was "stuck in a snow drift" (he'd forgotten) and the "elves had to dig him out" (frantic phone calls to remind him). :-)

Attended the Carers Christmas Dinner this afternoon, a 3 course meal. Wanted to go to sleep afterwards but had to keep going. 

Two good things:-
1) Last night I was confused by the new tripod as I couldn't get it to be as low as one of the advertising pictures had shown. I emailed the company saying either I was confused or the advert was misleading. Today they emailed to say the tripod could go that small but needed an extra part that was obviously "missing" but they would send. However, when I checked the website that part wasn't listed on the "this box contains" list, it wasn't referred to in the instructions and they had changed the picture! They obviously messed up but will be sending me an extra accessory free of charge which will improve the tripod.

2) Huddsbird and I have booked a holiday for next year. The website didn't mention early booking discount but I was sure I had seen it before. I asked about it. Early booking finished end of November but they agreed to give us one so we saved £20 each. 

You only have to ask!   


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