Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Glowing in the dark

It was an eventful day today. Someone brought along an adorable little puppy along to the sale. It was so cute, it had soft fur like a cat rather than a dog and it just wanted to curl up on your knee and be stroked.

After the sale, The Boy and I headed to the Regent for some dinner. We then had an exciting evening planned. There was a training session for the speed of light and as such we got to run around on Arthur's Seat in specially designed light suits whilst they tested the choreography. Unfortunately I had my first bad asthma attack in years, that combined with running up hill and losing water and salts ended up with me collapsing on some rocks (why are there always rocks!) By the time paramedics arrived an hour later I could breathe again but got dizzy whenever I tried to stand up. This left the problem of how to get off the hill. Eventually with the aid of a hill rescue stretcher they got me to the bottom. Due to how cold I got I was allowed to sit in the front of the ambulance whilst they checked me over. That was fun!

Thankfully just a nasty bruise on my forearm and an irritated chest so was allowed home. We're booked in to the technical rehearsal on the 6th August so I'm going to use that to gauge whether the asthma attack was a fluke or if hill running just isn't for me.

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