Daunti's world

By daunti

10127 ... A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story....
Oh my goodness...this man, these lights, these candles, and duck tape. God bless my father, I just love him soooo much. Today I was helping him put up his Christmas lights. The lights around the door are from when I was a little girl, the two candles too. They have been ducked taped together for years and each year need a little more duck tape and each year I see them it just makes me love this man a little more. Most people would just get new candles and lights, but my dad being a simple man sees no wrong with them and that is what I love so much about him and why I get such joy each year when I see them. It has nothing to do with money and not affording new lights and candles. "There is nothing wrong with them" he said, "they give off great light". "Dad, you know what my biggest fear is, I said (a little worried look on his face) that someone may want to replace them for you with new ones". His response, "well they better save the receipt because we will take them back". He knows how much I love these lights and these two candles. Such a humble man, such a great father, I'm blessed!

These are the candles, these are the lights and this is the man that lives at 10127.

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