Out To Lunch.

Went out to lunch with 3 of the girls from work.  We had a lovely meal, which one of them very kindly paid for.  Lots of chat and laughs.  Caught up on news of their families, I showed pictures of Isabella and then some work talk, of course.

I've only been gone 2 months, and 5 other people have already left the department.  So there were new names and talk of people I had no idea
of.  How quickly one falls out of the loop.

After a couple of hours we parted, and said we'd meet again in the New Year, I wonder.

Then I dashed off to pick up Alexandra and Isabella.  Isabella had had her latest vaccinations and hadn't taken them too kindly.  She was asleep when I got there, but when she realized it was me she gave me one of her big smiles.

I am so glad I can spend so much time with this lovely little girl, I don't miss work one bit.

( forgot to blip when I was at lunch, so took a quick snap of a leaf in a vase, must do better next time).

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