Grandad & Ruby

Ruby came over for  a play today, we went down to the marina with her mum it was a lovely morning,then it was time to say bye bye to mummy who said "you won't me too much today will you?" Ruby in her grown up 4 year old voice "no mummy i will be too busy with Nanna & Grandad" haha it was we two who were the busy ones, walking around the marina throwing stones in the water to make whirlpools, a walk along the board walk counting crabs and looking at fish, then her little legs got tired so up onto granddads shoulders she went! 
The play doh and toys were out as soon as we set foot in the door, then onto magic sand and blow bubbles, then we drove up for Deklan at school after lunch, more play until Daddy came to collect them at 6!  a full happy day..

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