Life with Alice

By elirin

Bird Watching

Ever since the storm Helga last week, we've had unusually windy weather. Mum says probably everyone else has too. Lots of huge trees, and smaller ones too, went down in the storm. We went for the long forest walkie - yay! - out at the dog club today, and the path was blocked in several places. Mum said we had to be careful.

The agility gear had now been put away for winter, so no jumping today. Well, there was lots of jumping on rocks, but not over hurdles. We also walked across the bird lake, on the pathway that goes right through it, and the swans and most of the other birds had now left. Only a couple of mallard ducks were left. I had my ears blown inside out while I tried to check them out.

I added something to my Christmas wish list today. Help save Blipfoto. I hope hope hope it is going to work!

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