Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Like a Bull ...........

in a china shop!  Since it was Little Ro's day off I allowed myself to be persuaded into the local fancy dog shop where Little Ro proceeded to try out umpteen collars on him.  We didn't buy any because they were pricey but we did come a way with a small bag of goodies for his stocking :)  We crossed over into this tiny shop full beautiful things for the home and I bought some pretty glass bowls (the owner told me that they are the same as the one Nigella Lawson uses on her cooking show but since I don't watch it I wouldn't know!).  Little B had to be carried, he was on his best behaviour but sadly cannot be trusted not to lift his dainty leg and tiddle..... and so he remained above ground level.  We went into a local dog friendly pub where he was awarded a bowl of water and we saved him a mouthful of sausage from our baguettes so he was happy.

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