The Orient Express

By koko

Msc cruise ship

I arrived in Southampton last night, and awoke to a very wet Southampton this morning. After breakfast I walked down to the port area and spotted just one cruise ship in. It's quiet compared to what it will be like tomorrow when seven ships are in. I will be boarding one,Oceana, and we set sail around 6pm along with her 6 sister ships.

We sail out into the Solent and divide to all salute The Princess Royal, we will be treated to a firework display, bands, streamers and hopefully the Red Arrows it can be watched live on the web page The Grand Event.

I've also phoned to check on Theo today as I have been worried about leaving him, he is fine apart from trying to share baskets with his pal Roo!! Who didn't want any of it!!!

Bon Voyage all!!

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