Home for Christmas

For the last two years, we have spent Christmas down in Kent, staying in a cottage that we rented for the week and spending the holiday with family. Because we were going to be away for the whole of Christmas week, we just didn’t have the motivation to even get a tree decorated at home.

This year, all being well, the family  are coming to us. So, for the first time in three years, we have got down all the Christmas boxes, bought an enormous tree and are now getting the house looking festive. It has been interesting finding all the things that were there, having not opening the boxes for so long. Most of our stuff has been acquired over many years and it was lovely to think where and when we got various pieces. 

This is a scene that we bought in Munich, years ago. It goes round when the candles are lit, so it was easier to take a photograph in the daylight - whilst it was still. 

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