Martin on a bad day!

This is Martin - he does have an acholi name but Martin is his English name so that is what we go by - for the acholi people an English name is given 3 days after birth after the baby is taken to local priest or pastor. Martin is such a joy and brings so much laughter to our lessons at the JDC. He told us today about his court date being put back meaning more time waiting and yet the smile never once left his face. He is so great despite his difficult past we have began to learnt the more we get to know him.

Monday's at the JDC are sports ministry in the mornign with a Californian couple (jake and khara) and then literacy and English lessons in the afternoon - today's lessons was on directions so naturally we taught them the cha cha slide!

Cycled home and then the the local market and supermarket (not sure you can really call the shack this but the locals do!) for our big shop for the week.

In the evening we went to a Christmas Fayre type thing with loads of little stalls of different homemade traditional African items. Got some African style bunting to decorate my room with!

A busy day all in all.

Extra is of our bags on the nails the lads out up especially for us. We were very touched by this small gesture and our really beginning to feel at home in the JDC and like one big disfunctional family!

M x

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