Fuller Craft Museum

Dear Diary,

One of my favorite places to visit when I'm down in Massachusetts is the Fuller Craft Museum.  Mary and I are both passionate crafters,  people who love "making things", whatever that might be.  I love creating handmade books, crocheting and fiber pieces but her range of crafting is quite wide. 

Both my mother and grandmother were very gifted in quilting and knitting and Mary's mother was a painter and crafter as well.  My father could make just about anything in wood.  We both come from a strong tradition of "making things".  So, we both enjoyed the visit to the Fuller to gaze with wonder at the amazing examples of craft they displayed.

I suppose that's why being an art teacher for 35 years was such a good fit for me.  I got to make things every day!  My job was never "work" to me.  I loved every minute of it.  Even the day I retired I was still passionate about my teaching.  I was very fortunate in that respect.

Many people work at jobs they hate or jobs that leave them unfulfilled.  Going to work is a struggle.  I feel for those people.  I always told my students that if they wanted to be happy in life, find something they loved to do and then find a way to get paid for doing it.  That is true success for me.  High salaries, advanced degrees are all very well but if you do not love what you are doing than what’s the point?

This weekend I will be crafting my Christmas cards to mail next week.  Our weather continues to be unseasonably warm...very strange.

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