My Mini Adventure

By JJ46


Had an antenatal consultant's appointment this morning. (I'm 35 weeks, 4 days.)

"If we let you go to 40 weeks you'll probably have a still birth at your age and with your medical history."

Unsurprisingly (to me), I had a bit of a meltdown at that point (and when they said my bp is high and baby is now breech and will need manual turning) and they couldn't understand why I was upset. The consultant was unnecessarily blunt, I think. Did she want to scare me?

How silly of me to think that everything would go smoothly. Also how silly of me to go on my own to this appointment.


Going for a scan and then going up to the maternity assessment unit on Monday - I intend to have further discussion then.

My lovely friend popped a balloon modelling kit through my door with instructions to distract myself... it worked as I have stopped crying now.

Mr Messi had a boxing match with the green balloon dog (rubbish pic but so cute) and is now quite submissive around it... I think the dog must have won the round!

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