Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Eden Bridge

Had to go into Carlisle this morning and my first port of call was to the phone shop and I had a shock, the new phone was there waiting for me!!  What a nice surprise that was as I was ready to do battle with them!

Afterwards I thought I'd see if Rickerby Park was open so I could walk Misty.  I parked on Brampton Road as the car park looked flooded.    The flood water in the park is going down but still a lot grass is under water.  The park was deserted, it was very eerie.  We walked up to the Eden Bridge which is still closed and it was strange to see it with no traffic as its a very busy road, its a long detour to get from one side of the city to the other at the moment.  Hard to image the water levels being near the top of the arches earlier in the week.  A few more on flikr

Had a nice chat with my sister in Clacton earlier to wish her happy birthday. All the family were off out for a meal this evening :)  Two weeks to Christmas and I've actually bought a few presses which is unheard of for me.

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