The Girls are back in Town

It must be nearly Christmas!  The girls are back in town, sorry, the kitchen, watching me practising to be a domestic Goddess!  A fellow Blipper was making these last year and was kind enough to send me these four.  Aren't they gorgeous? I wanted them to have a place all of their own so here they are in the kitchen.

This evening they have supervised the making of mini mince pies taking into account the fact that the pastry cutters had gone missing so we had to find a glass of the right size.  Not very successful really.  Crinkly edges obviously make a big  difference but the pastry is lovely!  A Blipper sent me the recipe for brilliant pastry a few weeks ago.  It's very very crumbly and beautiful...

Then I iced the mini Molly cakes so they look like little Christmas Cakes.  They are going to Cumbria on Monday.  Some mince pies might go too.

Today has been interesting.  Dad had to go to an all day hospital appointment so I was on keeping Mom company duty.  It started at 7.45 when SHH collected Dad to take him to his appointment to have the pressure in his eyeball checked  throughout the day.  I went to see Mom who was still in bed, not knowing what to do...  Well, that was all much worse than I expected as I had to tell her how to have a shower and how to dry herself and what to wear...  Then we had to attempt the insertion of dentures, followed by the trauma of what to have for breakfast "Do I have to eat all of this?"  What's this in the is mug?"  "Where's Dad?"  Why has he gone there?  When will he be back?  Will he be all right by himself?  What have I got to do?  On repeat.

We got to the hairdressers.  Then we went back to my house to wait for my sister.  Repeat the same questions.

Anyway.  You get a flavour of the day much of which was spent (Spending being the operative word) in a brand new enormous Marks and Spencer which has been built on the site of the old Rover Factory in Longbridge.  We managed.  Lunch was a bit tricky.  Trying on clothes was tricky too.  Food shopping was dominated by cakes (Mom has a sweet tooth!)

We managed.  We had some fun and laughter.  She will remember the fun and laughter.  Dad got home at about 5pm and we had to catch up on all the news then.  We even wrapped lots of presents I have bought on behalf of Mom and Dad for the rest of the family.

I didn't realise that things were quite so difficult.  But we managed to be connected and our hearts were in the day.  We will continue to try to dance the same dance as much as possible.

Thank you for reading to the end of this.

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