Home alone
This is Jet. His owner moved house several months ago, more than a mile away, yet he visits us everyday.
At first he came in the night then he took to coming late evening, tonight he strolled in at 6pm had a feed and settled down to sleep.
A neighbour had reported him sleeping on her doorstep.
Sometimes he arrives bedraggled and soaking wet. Is he homeless?
So I rang the vet up. (For back-story of why I rang the vet not the owner check)
That’s when I learnt that his owner had kept him indoors for four weeks but as soon as he got out he returned to his old home.
Now the new owner of his old home have decided to adopt him.
Maybe its just as well then that him and Taz have come to some kind of accommodation, when one is in the room the other walks out.
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