A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Eye in the sky!

First day in London :]

Arrived shortly after 7am, found a leisure centre for showers, had something resembling breakfast, walked past Buckingham Palace & "Big Ben", got in queue for the London Eye. All in the space of little over 2 hours :D Turns out I managed to get on the first capsule of the day for the Eye - bonus!

Then a very brief wander around one part of the South Bank, getting slightly lost trying to find the entrance to Piccadilly station entrance and being amazed by the size of the place!

Met Cam for a fun afternoon of seeing the sights of the city and taking a more extensive walk along the South Bank :] I hadn't really known how I would feel about London before I went - despite having been 11 and 12 years ago for school trips - but I absolutely loved it! Not just the buzz, but the history and the beauty were wonderful :]

Finally headed over to Brixton to meet the couple that I was staying with - friends of my mum from WAY back! Just as I was wondering how I would know who they were at the tube station, I found myself being recognised for looking like my mum...! Had a lovely dinner with them and enjoyed chatting with them before heading to my rather comfy bed & falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow!

Non-stop day but a lot of fun :]

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