Christmas Card opening

I had a very busy day at work but was joined by Mr W for lunch as we were in the same building at the same time this morning. Although he did moan lots that his bacon sandwich was toasted and that he couldn't taste it!!! Yep, the man Flu is still lingering! And yes, I know the term Man Flu is very derogatory to men so perhaps I should just call it Ray Flu because he doesn't suffer silently! Its the same cold I had last week and me???....well, I just got on with it!

Anyway, I opened our Christmas cards this evening. All square, all glittery, all very pretty but loved this one the most. A log burner like mine, a real tree as that's all I'll have and the dog......maybe again one day. 

Very tired tonight. All this sulking has exhausted me! We havnt really spoken about the 'issues' this week but he did admit to forgetting whether he had transferred the ColdPlay ticket money to Daughter Number 1 (who ordered them) for my Christmas present. That just happens to be the very same night he drunk lots of Honey Rum and so forgot about the conversation he swore blind we didn't have. I made my point subtly. He's been very sweet ever since ....and I have new Roses on the Window sill. I still wont ever put up with anyone who stops me from talking if I feel the need but I don't think I need to say any more.


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