
By DavzoBroon


Was meant to be bowling tonight but only three rinks available due to another day of non stop rain.There was a lengthy cue of ties before us probably wouldn't get on till 8pm. So while standing around waiting I noticed I have been dropped for the league game on this Friday which didn't please me I was no way the worst player last week,so in a silly red mist moment I scored my name out the league selection, the guy I was playing tonight i put him through to the next round.

Sitting in the car thinking what a muppet I've been, to hasty maybe with the pen scoring names off, putting names through still it's done now.

Home now took this when I was sitting contemplating my actions in the car so no more league games for me this season, still got all my other ties to look forward to,great line from a song I love to sum it all up.....Dont look back in anger !!!

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