Rough Day

We're very lucky as since September, a little girl in my class has brought Krispy Kreme's to school for us adults EVERY Friday! And not just three, each time she brings around 9-12! I've resisted (mostly), but today I took one and cut off about half, which I ate. So yummy but so bad! What a sweetie she is for bringing them in though. I gave my one to Tim a few months ago.

Another grey and gloomy day. It seems to be set for the week now. Another fire drill today as well- it must be the third or fourth since September and it's not funny anymore. 

Felt a bit blue tonight. Tim said he would try and meet up this weekend, but when I messaged him, he said he was sorry but he wouldn't have time, and work had been very busy. Which destroyed me all over again. It's not gotten any easier, but I can't ever tell him that in case he doesn't want to meet up again. So I just have to get on with in. And wait till early Jan to see him again? It's just so sad. I don't care about myself anymore. Whatever platitudes people come up with, I don't want to hear them. Things won't get better for me. I haven't messaged him yet, I'm too upset. I suppose I'll just mail him the book I bought for him. 

Who cares anymore? 

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