
By SueV

Chicks Away! they seem to be thriving

There are four of them but there is always one going solo. Just about fully feathered now they are looking much better than their former selves.When I first saw them they looked half dead and had no spark. at all.  The impending cold weather that appears to have arrived properly today - snow, worried me but apart from the initial respiratory virus they all had they appear to be thriving. They each happily produce an egg per day - lovely flavour and colour. From 12.o'clock on the picture is Madame Le Pop off, formally known as Cassie. All she says is 'Pop Off, Pop Off'.  Then clockwise to Merle, smallest, was the Tattiest, Then clockwise again to hetty (loves the Jungle - Bamboo in the garden) Missing but probably laying an egg is Queenie the fastest chick around. Makes the Roadrunner look like a tortoise.

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