A confused genius

By Lez11

Cash back

Yesterday I decided to have a couple of bets on the horses and on the football. Two of my horses won, at 7-1 and at 12-1 and I had silva first goal scorer as well at 9-1. This is on top of a 33-1 winner I had on the horses Saturday, cash back.

Work today was terrible as I had to sort everyone's problems out as I covering for my manager. The other teams are in a right mess at the moment and sometimes I really wonder what my manager actually does. Then again we all think that about our managers.

The one bonus about work today is that my project was successfully commissioned the weekend and the Bollywood filming on the station didn't get in the way.

For my tea tonight I cooked me piri chicken with mini garlic and butter jacket potatoes and mediterranean roast veg (pic) and it was amazing. I did invite my mate round for some but she let me down so I've got it again tomorrow.

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