Back in Time

A trip to IKEA - first time in decades. The daughter is kitting out her new flat, y’see. I got lost twice going there. I foolishly thought it would be impossible to miss. Talking of decades, earlier I’d been for a haircut and was taken to task by the man as usual for leaving it too long. I know, says I, but her ‘indoors likes it long - and then when it’s cut she’s pleasantly surprised and says it takes years off me. Every time. Years, says he? Decades even. Cheeky booger.
Anyway, back to the daughter and her young man. They didn’t even have a spanner! Or pliers or anything. A trip to Homebase too, then.
So, later, oot with MrT for a seasonal knees up with the Rezillos at the Liquid Room. Fab as ever, but blimey, they did a big slab of their new album. New tunes?? At our age? Then it was along to the Royal Oak for a bit of a sing along. It was like going back, well, decades. 

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