With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

karst landscape

Did I really go to bed that late !!!!

Yes, but I slept like a log, woke up a bit like one too, but with no horrid headache or anything.  We were just all singing into the early hours, not really overindulging. 

This walk up to the torre feels like you are walking right out into the sea. The sounds carry differently somehow.   The vegetation sprouts up everywhere through the limestone, the red soil glows as the sun sets back along the coastline and the smells of the mastic (and a bit of goat) give way to conifers and then carob and bloated olives as you descend back into the valley. A perfect Sunday afternoon. 

I am going to a concert this evening in the convent and very much looking forward to another evening of music, though I doubt it will be as bohemian as yesterday! 

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