'tis the Season

for mince pies. I love them. Along with my daughter, I made a start on my preparations for Christmas today and this is a coffee break with mince pies in High Wycombe.

I am progressing well with my Blip Journal photo book and also saving everything else treated to blip. Fingers crossed for the future of blip but I am backing up 'just in case'.

Details of next Friday's blip meet at Waddesdon Manor: 
I think the best place to meet would be in the Power House from 1.00.  This is opposite the shop entrance on the East side of the Manor. We can get drinks and baguettes in the outdoor café area and take them to the tables in the Power House.  (The Manor restaurant will be booked for meals and the weather may not be up to sitting outdoors.)

House entry for most of us is at 2.30.  I have let Bom have my ticket (they were sold out when she booked and I have seen it a few times!) but I’ll probably be able to blag my way in on my Warden badge!
Afternoon tea is at 4.30 for those that booked.
Those who want can meet up again at 5.30 to see the House exterior and garden at night.  There is a light show on the front of the House every 15 minutes – it’s only short but well worth seeing (tripod would be useful for that but can’t be used round the House although I think you’d be able to use a monopod).  I am saving the Bruce Munro ‘experience’ until Friday so I can’t comment on that personally. You can stay in the gardens for as long as you like – best have a torch though - and check the times of the last bus down to the car park if you need that.
Anyone else you know is welcome to come along but they wouldn’t get House entry or afternoon tea

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