Calstock Lights!

Finally - a productive day! I have been sitting on my bony arse for far too long putting off doing what I knew had to be done at some point - it was like putting off school work! So this morning it was tidy my bedroom - which meant putting away loads of clothes. This may sound like a quick job, but you have no idea! I doubt anyone could envisage the amount of clothes I own unless they saw my attic. Friends tell me it is like an uber stocked  clothes shop! I have always loved clothes and once I discovered ebay sold not just artifacts for school but clothes I was off buying. It all got rather out of control in my last few years of teaching - I think I was sublimating my unhappiness by buying - I knew even then it was a temporary fix - but what a fix!!
So I now have a bed covered in folded jumpers and cardigans that I intend to sort into keep, keep for allotment, give to friends! The sad fact is that I have not even pulled out the ones hidden in my wooden chest and the 2 rows under my clothes rack and the two drawers next to it!! Bear in mind this is just the wooly garments I own! I realised as I was folding that most I have not worn in years - the reason being  they were so hidden I forgot I had them / I like them but I prefer others/ I have too many!!!! I have a go to number of items, usually the latest things I have bought, which relegates everything else to the not worn in years category! So my early new years resolution is to dispense with a lot of my clothes which  I like but know I will not wear as I prefer others / feel are no longer my style / never were my style / are old and shabby and not even suited to allotment wear! 
Next job the kitchen cupboards - so much stress and anger when things fall out on you every time you open the door and try to remove what you want. Plus again, some things I forget are there as they have been buried at the back! Also I am ashamed to say food that has gone out of date - coffee beans that expired in 2013???????!!! Plus the number of plastic containers and lids that did not have a partner! All now gone! 3 beautifully tidied cupboards! 
Then  it was time for the allotment and I decided Dotty had to return before she got squatters rights in my bathroom! An injection of antibiotics in her chest just to be safe - no squawking this time! I was worried she might not withstand the hen pecking after Estelle's unfortunate welcome home the other week. ButI had returned her in the morning which was stupid of me as I know night time is better as they are settling down for bed and they are all too intent in  getting a good spot on the perches rather than resting on the bottom and being shat on all night! 
Well I needn't have worried - all seemed calm and  I was chatting to another allotmenteer when I heard squawking - I looked round only to see Dotty pecking seven bells out of Snowdrop! Once she had vanquished her she had a trophy feather sticking out of her mouth - she decided it was the spoils of war and promptly ate it! She continued to establish her dominance before heading into the coop to secure the best place on the perches! I think she is better even though still head shaking! 
Whilst the girls took themselves  to bed I did a bit of weeding on the allotment - so easy when the ground is soft and very satisfying. I realised how much I have missed spending time on my allotment and how good it makes me feel.With no photographs taken and as it was a dry, mild evening I headed down into calstock to see what the Christmas Lights had to offer - looks so pretty all lit up! 
Finally a fry up and Strictly results - happy with the two in the dance off but not with who went home!Now to look at my list of jobs to do and decide which I shall tackle tomorrow! There is just so much pleasure restoring order to chaos, and it has a cumulative effect - once started there is no stopping me ....till I over do it!! Rather like todays write up! 

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