After Dark effect
Monday 14th Dec 2015 (1206)
Run out of steam today, exhausted, cracking headache.
Took the evening off and went out for a lovely meal with a friend which cheered me up a bit.
On the way I stopped in a lay-by to try a couple of after dark shots, in the countryside away from street lights. My camera doesn't cope with the real dark too well. Lots of noise and a bit speckled. Still interesting to see how it picked up some colour in the sky and grass, which to me was black.
Bit of faffing. Cleared up the speckles, added texture to disguise the noise and give a painting effect. I quite like the result. I particularly like the lighter area under the tree on the left created by the lights of a car on the road above.
Well, it's better than an ornament which is my only other option!
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