We were allowed to take home the beautiful flower arrangements from last night's holiday banquet. I puzzled for a long time over the fat white rose in the center of the bouquet; the texture was off, but I couldn't imagine they would use a fake flower. It finally dawned on me: it's a cabbage! One of those miniature ornamentals that show up in the nursery from time to time. The red is my holiday hat--I love it because it's warm!
The surprise when we got home from the party was finding a leak in the guest room ceiling, directly over the bed which will be occupied by visiting family one week from today. It's from the upstairs deck, which has been a problem since the day it was born. Wish us luck, dear readers. At least I can't blame this one on The Cat, although he did jump up to taste the flowers earlier today.
Hipstamatic: Lowy lens, Blanko film
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