
By Juleshki

Damp evening

Another heavy downpour this evening.
There has been some very odd weather up and down the UK today.
And we have to remind ourselves that it is the 2nd of July.

Absolutely everything is looking so green and lush. Even a bit like a rainforest.
I suppose as we have had enough rain to make it look and feel like a rainforest, we shouldn't be surprised at that.

Spent another morning at the medical centre again today.
Not the entire morning, but had a lengthy wait in the waiting room.
I have another prescription for anti-biotics.

It would seem that I have some bio's intent on making me poorly again.
Hence the anti-bio's.

It's just the same lurgy that tried to fell me last month.
There must have been one or two of them hiding out somewhere, out of reach of the anit-biotics and they have since decided to re-group and have another go at me.

Nasty bugs.
You just wait.
I'll get you.

The view?
Me leaning out of the window and facing westwards.
Was raining at the time too.

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