That's What My Heart, Yearns For Now.
ABC of Troon... U is for "Underage".
Not now, I'm sure that the Anchorage is the very epitome of legalised beverage coiffing.
In my youth this was the place to go. Wednesday Night, Thursday Grab a Granny Night, Friday and Saturday Nights, then Sunday Afternoons.
We got in underage, because my mate's sister and her husband worked the Anchorage. We got in on the understanding that we behaved, and drunk fresh orange and lemonade, and we did.
We were always to be found dutifully sat at a table which hosted two glasses of Fresh Orange and Lemonade in front of ours. Who the two vodka and cokes at the other side of the table belonged to I will never know.
Sunday afternoons were wild and crazy. Something about the mix of daylight outside, and drink and dancing inside. Fights were pretty common place.
It was a stopping off place for golfers, holiday makers, and locals, and of course, every so often a ship load of sailors :-)
I remember one evening, being in the toilet, and this older, wizened woman greeting me with a smile;
"Loads of money to be made tonight doll, Eh? "
I looked at her blankly.
"Three ships, Three ships, Imagine the business there".
I still stood there blankly. Completely confused.
She charged???
And that dear friends is the origin of "Missed a trick there".
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